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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Be Happy, The Emotional Habits Of Successful People
Our level of emotional success is based on our choices and attitudes, some people are able to roll with the punches, others get sidelined by headwinds along the way.
In order to toughen up, such to able to live life feeling naturally strong and confident in choices and ourselves, learn to do what emotionally successful people do, as follows:
1. Take Control
Instead of letting life happen, take control and decide to make things happen. Become destiny’s ruler, and take calculated steps to achieve goals and desires.
2. Be Flexible
Life always throws curve balls. When that happens, will they throw a person off course or will you be able to pivot when you need to? Being flexible means you have an open mind and will adjust to whatever life throws your way. Everything happens for a reason, make it work. No negatives.
3. Learn from Your Mistakes
Mistakes offer valuable lessons that you can use to improve in the future. Treat them as tools for improvement rather than letting them define you.
4. Create Specific Goals
People who set goals earn 2X as much money as those who do not. Further, those who set clear, written goals setter earn 10X as much. Setting and writing out goals helps one to have a clear direction and plan for achieving the dreams.
5. Accept Yourself
Strength comes from within, so learning to accept yourself is Key to being happy. Resist the urge to look for acceptance from others. Once you are comfortable and strong in your own sense of self, relationships and success come naturally.
6. Keep Your Stress in Check
When under stress, it harder to control your emotions. Figure out what works for to keep stress levels under control: exercise, talking with a friend, alone time, meditation, and engage in it regularly.
7. Let the Little Things Slide
Stressing and fretting over circumstances one cannot control or which do not matter in the big picture will drains our mental reserves and wears a person down. Resist the urge to become a control freak and instead let go of the little inconveniences, upsets, and disappointments that come along the path.
What you will notice about the habits above is that these are primarily choices one can make.
It is thought that genetics account for about 50% of a persons innate happiness, and life circumstances make up 10%. The balance (40%) is under one’s control, and the 1st step to harnessing it is to choose it and believe in being happy.
Research shows that when people were told to attempt to feel happier when listing to music, they were, as opposed to those who were told to relax. It was the intention to become happier that made a difference.
It helps to consider your emotions as a form of energy.
According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, when you feel an emotion, what one is really sensing is the vibration of a particular energy. Each emotion has its own vibratory signature, and when intense emotions are felt, they can become trapped in the body, much like a “ball of energy.”
These “balls of energy” can become lodged just about anywhere in a persona body, where they can cause disruptions in the body’s energy system, which underlies your physical system much like an invisible matrix.
The human body cannot tell the difference between an actual experience that triggers an emotional response and an emotion fabricated through thought process alone, such as when worrying about something negative that might occur but has not actually happened, or conversely, thinking about something positive and pleasant.
The latter will help the body to express many of the health benefits associated with happiness, while ruminating or focusing on negativity can literally manifest disease.
Happiness not only feels good… it is good.
Research shows that positive emotions, including being happy, lively and calm appear to play a role in immune function. One study found that when happy people are exposed to cold and flu viruses, they are less likely to get sick and, if they do, exhibit fewer symptoms.
The association held true regardless of the participants’ levels of self-esteem, purpose, extroversion, age, education, body mass or pre-study immunity to the virus, leading the lead researcher to say: “We need to take more seriously the possibility that positive emotional style is a major player in disease risk.”
In a study of nearly 200 heart failure patients, those with higher levels of gratitude had better mood, better sleep, less fatigue, and less inflammation, which can worsen heart failure, than those with lower levels.
What this means is that investing in being happy should not be viewed as a self-indulgent luxury. Being happy represents an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to piecing together one’s overall health.
The human mind can only take so much stress before it breaks down, yet many people neglect to tend to their emotional health with the same devotion they give to their physical well-being. This is a surefire recipe for emotional breakdown.
Happiness is associated with a smile, sadness with a frown.
Smile, be happy, live longer and healthier.
Paul Ebeling
Article Source :- Be Happy, The Emotional Habits Of Successful People
Saturday, July 25, 2015
6 Simple Steps To Success In Life
Success means different things to different people. For some it is having A-list blog, for others it is marrying a millionaire or writing a bestseller.
Defining what success is for you is important. You will most probably need Q&A session with yourself for that.
When it gets crystal clear you know what your goals are and where you want to be. That’s very good.
But what happens next?
How many times have you decided to become someone, to change something, to achieve, to create, to do …?
And how many times you actually changed, achieved, created, etc… ?
And why is that?
Most probably because we did not do what it takes to succeed? Most probably it’s because we never gave our decision a chance to come to live.
When I looked back at my modest list of personal achievements I found out that the way to those achievements took the same 6 small steps.
Let me share them with you and maybe reaching success will not seem unrealistic dream anymore.
1. Start
Someday… soon… in the future… in x days or weeks or months… later… these are the usual phrases we all hide behind.
Procrastination and laziness keep us from making the first steps and we put things for ”later”.
”Later” is a very dangerous term because it has tendency of transforming into ‘‘never’’.
As a result we all have goals we never reach because we never get to the point to start.
Remember – journey starts with the first step.
So take that first step, start now.
You may as well announce about it to make sure that you feel accountable.
2. Focus
“If there are 9 rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on one.”
Jack Ma
There are many people fighting for your attention. There are many distractions getting on your way.
Your goal may need some sacrifices and prioritizing. You will need to give up some things or at least postpone them for later.
Focus on the most important at the moment – i.e. reaching your goal. Allocate time and effort on things, which will get you closer to the desired result.
And proceed one goal at a time, otherwise you risk having mediocre results at the end.
3. Believe
You have to believe that you will succeed all along. You need to have the true faith that your success is a matter of time.
Collect all your doubts, wrap them up and put them aside. Diminish their role and don’t let them influence your decisions and actions.
Reduce the time you spend with people who discourage you to the possible minimum.
Communicate with those, who encourage, support and believe in your success as much (or even more) as you do.
Read inspirational blog posts, books and true success stories. If others can – you can too.
As Robin Sharma points out – Your ”I Can” is more important than your IQ.
4. Keep going
Things will not work out immediately but don’t get discouraged and give up too soon. The most important one of the steps to success is to keep going forward.
Getting even millimeter closer to your goal today from where you were yesterday is already an achievement.
5. Celebrate small victories
Most probably you will not reach your goal overnight, but you will reach different small milestones in-between.
Celebrate those small victories, because they are the counter arguments to your doubts and insecurities.
With each small victory you get closer to your big goal and each small victory is equally important in getting where you want to be.
You deserve a treat and a small break after each one of them.
After all, success in life is not to be celebrated on your deathbed or read out on a eulogy, is it?. It is all about the journey.
6. Look back and say thank you
Great! You are finally there! You got where you wanted to be.
Now what?
Now look back and you will see that there were many people who helped you out along the way. Get back to all of them and thank for their help, support, advice and encouragement!
It will not take huge amount of time or effort, but it will mean a hell lot to them.
These are 6 simple steps to success in life. Each one is simple on its own. Yet surprisingly, taking these simple steps will definitely get you there.
That’s all for now. Wish you success, whatever it may mean to you.
Please feel free to share your recipe for success with us.
Article Source :- 6 Simple Steps To Success In Life
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6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People
Do you want to be successful? If you think the way the most successful people think and adopt the same habits they have, you can be.
But what makes someone a master achiever? Here are six characteristics:
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Friday, July 17, 2015
10 Ways to Cross Promote your Restaurant for Increased Brand Recognition and Patronage
Cross promotion is an excellent way to give your restaurant’s marketing initiatives some extra leverage in order to strengthen brand awareness and patronage among your customers and fans. Here are 10 simple cross-promotional ideas that you can put into action.
1. Print marketing messages on your customer receipts.
Use your receipts to let customers know about special offers, new menu items, or to invite them to follow your restaurant’s social media pages.2. Partner with another local business to share mailing lists and send out joint promotional postcards.
Not only is this a great way to expand your reach to your local customer base, it enables your restaurant to reduce its printing, production and mailing costs by half!3. Offer up your restaurant’s venue to host local community and philanthropic events.
Hosting special community or non-profit fundraising events in your restaurant not only demonstrates your business’s commitment to giving back, it gives you the opportunity to open up your restaurant to new guests.4. Host guest chef events with another well-known restaurant in your area.
Partner with another well-known, local restaurant to exchange Executive Chefs for special guest chef appearances. Have the guest chefs prepare special tastings or dinners to give both restaurants’ guests a taste of something new from each other’s establishments.5. Insert special promotional offers or coupons in your local business’s shopping bags.
Put coupons or promotional offers in local business’s shopping bags and offer to return the favor by sharing their promotional offers to guests in your restaurant.6. Offer joint promotions or discounts.
Partner with another local business to offer joint promotions or discounts. For instance, create a joint promotion with the boutique down the street to offer all boutique customers a 25% discount on any lunch entrée when they dine in your restaurant for lunch following an afternoon of shopping.7. Give a joint interview to the local media.
Share the PR with your neighborhood business partners by offering joint media interviews. Using the example of the neighborhood boutique above, if the local TV station is planning to visit your restaurant for a chef food demonstration highlighting the best flavors of summer, invite your boutique neighbor to also participate by showcasing their summer fashions during the segment.8. Promote joint social media contests.
Create joint social media contests, whereby your restaurant and your partner business both offer joint prizes to your shared social media fan base. Not only does this give you an opportunity to market to their social media fans, it also makes your contests more enticing by giving participants a chance to win more prizes.9. Share promotions on email blasts.
In your upcoming email blasts, feature a special message from your business partner, and have them do the same, to double your email marketing reach.10. Bring in free food and drink samples to other local businesses.
Partner with other local businesses by offering to give their customers free food and drink samples. Their customers will appreciate it, and it’s a great way to give these customers a taste of your menu, encouraging them to stop in. Article Source :- 10 Ways to Cross Promote your Restaurant for Increased Brand Recognition and Patronage, RestaurantNews.comSee Also
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015
How to Get More of Everything You Want
Kim was a wedding planner working seven days a week. She was a wife and mother to three young kids—one with Asperger’s—and she was missing out on their lives. Between client meetings, events, paperwork, errands and household obligations, Kim was constantly on the go. Each of her children had full schedules as well, and she found herself being pulled in a million different directions at once. She felt anxious, exhausted and constantly behind schedule.
Kim’s story is one we hear all too often. From burnout to a sense of overwhelm to hopelessness, the symptoms of lack vary from person to person. But they all signal the need for something more—more happiness, more health, more wealth. And the secret to gaining all three of these is the same. It’s the secret of Er.
Er is any adjective that describes something you want more of in your life. Most people want to be wealthier, happier and healthier. What they don’t realize is that the secret to getting more in your life rests in amplifying an Er already in your life. It might be that you need to risk bolder, dream bigger or connect closer. If you’re a business owner or leader, it could be that you need to be clearer, franker, kinder or steadier. In your personal life, it may be time for you to step out and be braver, stay committed and be stronger, or be vulnerable and be barer to those you love.
The secret of Er is a decision to reject your old, acceptable ways of living and working that are creating unacceptable results. Nothing changes until something changes, and, as Kim learned, one change can change everything.
For Kim, the true value of the changes you make through Er are emotionally healing, and not just financial or material gain. The secret is a strategy for whole life happiness and fulfillment, and it can (and should) impact every area of a your life—spiritual, relational, financial, physical and mental.
So, why do we get to a place of such lack in our lives in the first place? There are four reasons:
1. Bad tapes: Many of us continually play bad “tapes” in our heads, and they become the voices we hear the most. These negative beliefs echo in our minds until we believe the ideas that say we will never succeed. What we say to ourselves is a predictor for how much Er we will get—at a certain point, we must say, Enough is enough, and become willing to change.
2. Clarity: Sometimes we lose our passion. Our purpose becomes fuzzy. We become passive and procrastinate any real change. Without a clear vision of where we want to go, we can’t possibly get more of what we want in life.
This was Kim’s problem. When she started as a wedding planner, she loved the time freedom it offered her and enjoyed working events. But as her schedule became more hectic and after becoming a mother, she discovered that she no longer had the same passion for her business.
3. Lack of observation: Benjamin Franklin once said, “The eye of the master will do more than both of his hands.” When we don’t stop to truly analyze what new efforts would drive our desired results, we get stuck in a rut of unproductive action. We just throw brute force, time and money at a problem or goal without really thinking through and observing what specific changes would make that goal a reality or that problem go away.
4. Absence of faith: Often, we know what we should do, but we don’t apply the effort because fear has taken over. We feel a deep uncertainty about whether or not we will be able to achieve it. Fear must be replaced with faith, which is partly defined as the assurance of things hoped for in order for new and proper action to occur
To know more how to unlock the abundance of life, click here How to Get More of Everything You Want
8 Ways to Live in 'THE ZONE'
Samurai warriors were without a doubt some of the fiercest fighters who ever existed. The key to the samurai’s incredible fighting ability was the complete elimination of their fear of death and their complete focus on being in the present moment.
They did this by entirely de-energizing their fear of death. If a person in a fighting situation is distracted by thoughts of being hurt or dying, he will be the loser. Samurai warriors were unencumbered by these fears and were courageous in the face of the unknown. In short, they were empowered by a lack of fear, and this allowed them to completely focus, react and stay in the present moment. They fought without hesitation and with complete confidence.
They were “IN THE ZONE”, they “OWNED THE ZONE”.
Read on here 8 Ways to Live in 'THE ZONE'
Thursday, July 2, 2015
6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People
Do you want to be successful? If you think the way the most successful people think and adopt the same habits they have, you can be.
But what makes someone a master achiever? Here are six characteristics:
1.They are ambitious.
They see themselves capable of being the best. They see themselves with the capacity of being really good at what they do.
This was a really big thought for me. It held me back for many years. When I saw people who were doing better than I was, I naturally assumed they were better than I was. And if they were better than I was, then I must be worse than them. So that would mean they were superior and I was inferior.
That’s a big problem in our society—we have feelings of inferiority, and these feelings of inferiority are often translated into feelings of undeservedness. The word “deserve” comes from two Latin words meaning “from service.” You deserve 100 percent of everything you make and enjoy as long as you get it from serving other people. If you serve better and serve more and serve at a higher level and serve more enthusiastically and serve a higher quality, then you’ll have a wonderful income—and you’ll deserve every penny of it.
You just must see yourself capable of being the best.
2. They are courageous.
Successful people work to confront the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies to our success are fear and doubt.
When you do something repeatedly, you develop a habit. Make a habit throughout your life of doing the things that scare you. If you do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain.
So face your fear. The ability to confront your fear is the mark of the superior person. If you have high ambition and you decide to be at the top, and you can confront your fears and do the things that are holding you back, those two things alone will make you a great success.
3. They are committed.
The top people in every field are completely committed. They believe in themselves; they believe in their companies; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their customers. They have an intense belief.
We know that there is a one-to-one relationship between the depth of your belief and what happens in your reality. And if you absolutely believe in the rightness and the goodness of what you’re doing, you become like a catalyst. You create what is called a transfer, like an electrical transfer of enthusiasm.
People who are not committed to what they do lead very empty lives. Caring is a critical element in life—all men and women who enjoy great lives care about what they do. They have passion about what they do. They love what they do.
Read the rest here 6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People
10 Lessons You Need To Learn To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
How to become an Entrepreneur and if you want to succeed with your online business, you have to stop focusing on technical things. While technical competence is great and you need a lot of that to become successful entrepreneurs, what’s more important are the following lessons.
These lessons impact your mindset and better understand the Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs. Your mindset is the most important component. It dictates how much success you attain and how quickly you will attain that success.
Read more here :- 10 Lessons You Need To Learn To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
But what makes someone a master achiever? Here are six characteristics:
1.They are ambitious.
They see themselves capable of being the best. They see themselves with the capacity of being really good at what they do.
This was a really big thought for me. It held me back for many years. When I saw people who were doing better than I was, I naturally assumed they were better than I was. And if they were better than I was, then I must be worse than them. So that would mean they were superior and I was inferior.
That’s a big problem in our society—we have feelings of inferiority, and these feelings of inferiority are often translated into feelings of undeservedness. The word “deserve” comes from two Latin words meaning “from service.” You deserve 100 percent of everything you make and enjoy as long as you get it from serving other people. If you serve better and serve more and serve at a higher level and serve more enthusiastically and serve a higher quality, then you’ll have a wonderful income—and you’ll deserve every penny of it.
You just must see yourself capable of being the best.
2. They are courageous.
Successful people work to confront the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies to our success are fear and doubt.
When you do something repeatedly, you develop a habit. Make a habit throughout your life of doing the things that scare you. If you do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain.
So face your fear. The ability to confront your fear is the mark of the superior person. If you have high ambition and you decide to be at the top, and you can confront your fears and do the things that are holding you back, those two things alone will make you a great success.
3. They are committed.
The top people in every field are completely committed. They believe in themselves; they believe in their companies; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their customers. They have an intense belief.
We know that there is a one-to-one relationship between the depth of your belief and what happens in your reality. And if you absolutely believe in the rightness and the goodness of what you’re doing, you become like a catalyst. You create what is called a transfer, like an electrical transfer of enthusiasm.
People who are not committed to what they do lead very empty lives. Caring is a critical element in life—all men and women who enjoy great lives care about what they do. They have passion about what they do. They love what they do.
Read the rest here 6 Qualities of Wildly Successful People
10 Lessons You Need To Learn To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
How to become an Entrepreneur and if you want to succeed with your online business, you have to stop focusing on technical things. While technical competence is great and you need a lot of that to become successful entrepreneurs, what’s more important are the following lessons.
These lessons impact your mindset and better understand the Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs. Your mindset is the most important component. It dictates how much success you attain and how quickly you will attain that success.
Read more here :- 10 Lessons You Need To Learn To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
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