Published by:
Nick Ortner
What is it that makes some people successful in life, able to reach whatever goal they like, while others get stuck in the same place for years, if not decades?
Is it their education? Where they were born? Who their family is? Is it genetics?
The reality is…it’s none of the above.
In my working with thousands of people over the years to help them change their lives, to help them create both financial success and personal fulfillment, I’ve found 7 things in particular that successful people do differently.
I’ve outlined them below. How many of these 7 things are you doing?
1 – They first change how they think and feel
Let’s start with how they think:
Talk to anybody who built success in their life and they’ll tell you that they changed their thinking in order to get different results. Every one of us is a product of our thinking. Our finances, relationships, health, happiness and every other area are dictated by our thinking. If you want a different result in life, you need to change your thinking first.
How they feel:
Very often people get hung up on “thinking like successful people” and forget a key element: what they’re feeling. Listening to your emotions is critical to understanding what is holding you back, both consciously and unconsciously.
Successful people know that our emotions drive everything. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, afraid, stressed, sad, depressed or any other negative emotion, your brain is less resourceful and less able to help you make good decisions and take important action. If you want to have more energy, make better decisions, be more creative and have more success in life, develop the habit of paying attention to your emotions and then doing what’s needed to be in the right emotional state (like using Tapping, which we’ll get to later!)
2 – They believe they deserve success
Successful people believe they deserve success, unsuccessful people do not.
The area where this is most evident is with money. Financially successful people generally feel they deserve to be successful, and so they’ve created it in their lives.
So what qualifies somebody as “deserving success” or not? Only one thing…the rules they create for it in their own brain.
Oftentimes people, consciously or unconsciously, think they don’t deserve success because of false beliefs like, “I’m not a good enough person” or, “I don’t work hard enough” or, “I’m not smart enough” or any other of a laundry list of negative limiting beliefs.
In order to find out what you believe about success just
SAY and
COMPLETE these two phrases out loud:
– I don’t deserve success because… (say what first comes up, don’t question it).
– I deserve success because… (say what first comes up, don’t question it!)
When you say those two phrases out loud, your unconscious brain will give you the reasons that have been programmed as to why you believe one way or the other. If you’re not getting the answer you’d like (or you’re surprised by what’s coming up), don’t worry,
I’ll show you how to change your belief systems around success in the coming days, all using EFT Tapping.
Remember, at the end of the day
every, and I mean
EVERY, person deserves success. Every person is capable of growth, of love, of giving beyond themselves, and being rewarded for it. Anyone can succeed financially, in relationships, with their health, in any area of their life.
In the coming days, I’ll show you how to get there.
3 – They do whatever it takes to overcome events and patterns from the past that don’t serve them
Most of the habits, patterns and beliefs that we have today
were developed between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. They weren’t developed consciously, they were essentially downloaded from our parents, and from other people and events happening around us at the time.
We didn’t have choice as to what beliefs were given to us, or what events were happening around us. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs, patterns and experiences were negative and have limited us in our adult life.
Some have had tougher upbringings than others, with more negative experiences and more negative beliefs about themselves and the world, but regardless of the experiences…there is good news….
Today, as adults,
we have choice over what beliefs, patterns and habits we want to keep or discard, and
we have choice over the meanings we give our past experiences.
Successful people are aware of how limiting old beliefs, habits, patterns and experiences can be… and they
do whatever it takes to change them.
That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Overcoming childhood abuse issues, or deep-rooted self-confidence issues, or overwhelmingly negative thought patterns can be a challenge, but
successful people are committed to their growth, no matter what.
They know that the
past does not equal the future. That past challenges can be dwelled upon for years, or accepted as necessary life lessons on their path.
Overcoming limiting beliefs and difficult events from your past is something that EFT Tapping is especially powerful at helping with, more so than any other technique I’ve ever seen. I’ve had the privilege of using Tapping to help people with some enormous challenges through our Tapping Solution Foundation, like veterans with PTSD, children genocide survivors in Rwanda, 1st responders of the Sandy Hook school shooting (my home town), and much more.
In the coming days, I’ll show you exactly how to do it for yourself. I’ll show you how to overcome any obstacle from your past.
Read the rest here 7 Things Successful People Do Differently…
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You want to be successful. I want to be successful. I want you to be successful. And I want you to want to be successful.
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