Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Restaurant Menus gets Creative – Here are some of my Favourites

I enjoy creating as well as searching for menu ideas for my restaurants. When l was working at this little resort in the East coast of Malaysia some years back. Our all day dining restaurant was made to look like a Malaysian Coffee shop. Even its name was "Kedai Kopi" which means coffee shop Malay.

As daily newspapers was a common feature in most Malaysian coffee shops. I created a menu that looked like a newspaper. I discovered that I could photocopy on newsprint paper. So I searched the web for free newspaper or newsletter templates and created my menus. Added some entertaining ad boxes between just like a normal newspaper. Printed on white paper. Next I photocopied on the newsprint paper. I even added some information about Malaysia as well as the surrounding into it. For our guest to read whilst waiting for their food. I then created a newspaper rack for us to store the menus. Since the menus were printed in house we could alter the menus. We could even our monthly specials together with the menu. Below is the sample of the front page of my menu.

Additionally below are some of my favourites. I will add more when I find some more unique and creative menus

Maison de Alice - House of Tea Menu

I like this one cause it doubles up as a centre piece Source :- 45+ Inspiring Examples of Restaurant Menu Designs


Flour Pot Bakery

A menus that serves three important purpose. A menu, takeaway bags and also future advertising. People will surely notice the items and prices on the paper bags.

Source:- Menú y diseño: 40 de las mejores cartas de restaurante del mundo



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Article Source :- Restaurant Menus gets Creative – Here are some of my Favourites

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