Saturday, May 23, 2015

10 Tips for Finding Happiness | World of Psychology

By Carrie Rossiter

~ 2 min read

Happiness can be elusive, but below are ways to help find it.

1. Only you can you make yourself happy.

You really can’t rely on anyone else to make you happy. If you aren’t happy with yourself, you won’t think you deserve affection and attention. Do not give anyone else the power to make you feel anything. Do not make anyone your whole world.

2. Little things can bring joy.

Get excited about everyday things. You can find something to be happy about every day: getting coffee with a friend, your favorite song playing on the radio, eating a piece of chocolate, spending time with family or getting a compliment.

3. Expectations ruin happiness.

William Shakespeare said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.”

I thought by 30, I would be married, have a house, maybe have had a baby and traveled more. Things happen in life that you cannot control. So many of us have expectations about what our lives should be like at a certain time in our lives.

Expectations also can put a lot of pressure on relationships. There is nothing wrong with having expectations in a relationship, but having unrealistic ones can ruin any relationship. Sometimes we expect more from others because we’d be willing to do that much for them.

4. Appreciate what you have.

There are moments when I am surrounded by my friends or my family that I feel so blessed and grateful. There are moments where I realize that everything really does happen for a reason.

Happy moments make you realize how lucky you are. You start to appreciate the things you have and the more you’re grateful about what you have, the happier you’ll become. Sometimes, happiness is just accepting what’s happening right now and being OK with it. There is a feeling of peace in giving up the need to control outcomes and appreciating whatever happiness you have.

5. Happiness maintenance.

Happiness for any length of time requires maintenance. Once you set your mind to be happy, you have to keep at it. Keep doing things that bring you joy. Keep pushing away negative thoughts. Happiness requires maintenance. Priorities change, interests fade and relationships go through changes.

Read the rest here 10 Tips for Finding Happiness | World of Psychology

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